Sakti bodies – I
“By you is everything supported, by you is the world created: by you is it protected, O Goddess, and you always consume (it) at the end (of time).
At (its) emanation you have the form of creation; in (its) protection (you have) the form of steadiness; likewise at the end of the world (you have) the form of destruction. O you who consist of this world!
You are the great knowledge (mahavidya), the great illusion (mahamaya), the great insight (mahamedha) the great memory and the great delusion, the great Goddess (Mahadevi), the great demoness (mahasuri).”
Devimahatmya 1, 56-58
Sakti is one of the most fundamental aspects of Tantra – and potentially, one of the most bewildering. Continue reading »